
SftD - Chapt. 3

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The TARDIS seemed to stop, and everybody swayed a bit, but nobody fell over. Rose looked at everyone.

"Great", she said. "How are we going to find her here?" Sheldon and Sherlock looked at each other and John sighed.

"Yes, nobody knows, where she is exactly", he said.

"Maybe we should ask the TARDIS to take us precisely where she is?" Sheldon suggested.

"Yeah, absolutely", Sherlock said. "Do we talk to TARDIS?" Everybody frowned.

"TARDIS, could you take us to Ramona Flowers?" Rose asked. First nothing happen
ed, but then the noise started again, and stopped, and they swayed again.

"OK, cool", John said. "Shall we go outside and look for her?"

"She'll notice the TARDIS", Sherlock said and shrugged.

"Yes, but I need some oxygen", John said and stepped out. He looked around, but nothing seemed very different. He looked behind him and saw that everybody, except for Sheldon, had followed him outside.

"How do we recognise her?" Rose asked.

"I don't know. She changes her haircolour very often, so I guess her hair wouldn't be in so good condition", Sherlock said.

"Are you sure?" John asked and tried to look around. "But maybe the haircolour thing is the point. Look, there's a girl with pink hair." Everybody looked at the direction John was pointing.

"Yeah, that's not her", Sherlock said.

"Have you seen her?" Rose asked.

"Once", Sherlock said. "Her haircut is different."

"What if she changes her haircut too?" John asked.

"Then there's nothing we can do about it", Sherlock said. "We just shouldn't stay here, let's go over there." They moved a bit. "She's supposed to see the TARDIS", Sherlock explained. "Because that will catch her attention."

They looked around bit. There seemed to be many girls, with weird haircolour and weird haircuts, but none of them seemed to be Ramona Flowers, according to Sherlock anyway. Sherlock wasn't sure, was she alone or was she with her boyfriend, Scott, the one she wanted to come with them. Sherlock had no idea of what Scott looked like, though.
Then, they saw a girl with blue hair. She was with a guy with light brown, a bit curly hair. They all stared at her.

"Is that her?" Rose asked quietly.

"Oh yes", Sherlock said.

"We'd better hope, she notices the TARDIS", John whispered. They all just stood there, as Ramona passed the TARDIS without even looking. Sherlock frowned.

"Well, that's it. Was it her?" John asked.

"Of course it was her", Sherlock said. "Ramona!" Ramona stopped and looked around her. Then she saw Sherlock, Rose and John. She frowned a bit and said something to Scott. They walked to them.

"Do I know you?" Ramona asked.

"You should", Sherlock said and smiled a bit. "Sherlock Holmes. A former companion of the Doctor." Ramona seemed to understand, what was going on.  

"Oh, right. This is about... the thing that Sheldon said when he called me", she said. Scott frowned.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Oh, there's this thing you don't know about", Ramona said. "The Doctor. I used to travel with him, and he's gone missing. I'll go with these people and find him. And I want you to come too."

"Me?" Scott asked.

"Well do you want to stay here?" Ramona asked, and John tried to hide his smile.

"No, if I have no idea, where you're going", Scott said. Ramona smiled a bit.

"Yeah", she said. She turned to Sherlock. "Sheldon told me, that you have the TARDIS with you."

"Yes, I do", Sherlock said. "This one here is now travelling with the Doctor, well; she was, until the Doctor just disappeared." Sherlock pointed at Rose.

"We shouldn't talk about it here, should we?" Ramona said.

"No, we'd better get inside", Sherlock said. "TARDIS is over there."

"Come, Scott", Ramona said to Scott, who looked like he had no idea, what was going on. John knew exactly what that felt like. Scott frowned, as he saw the TARDIS.

"That is a box", he said. "And you all were in that thing?"

"It's much bigger than it looks", Ramona said. "Get in."

They all got in the TARDIS, and inside Ramona looked at everybody and waited for them to explain the thing. Scott just freeze and looked around the TARDIS.

"It's bigger on the inside", he said.

"Yeah, I noticed that too", John said and smiled a bit. "So, you don't know who the Doctor is?"

"No, I've never heard of him", Scott said and kept still staring at the TARDIS.

"Welcome to the club", John said and smiled. Scott glanced at him and smiled too.

"Glad I'm not the only one", he said.

"Though, I know something about him now, but", John said and tilted his head.

"Oh please, tell me too", Scott asked. "Because if they start to explain, I'll never, never understand anything."

As John started to tell Scott everything he knew, Sherlock, Sheldon and Rose started to tell Ramona everything they knew about this sudden disappearance of the Doctor.

"So, he took me to visit my mum", Rose told. "And we were talking, and suddenly he didn't answer me anymore, and I turned around, and he wasn't there anymore. He couldn't just left, because the TARDIS is here." Ramona frowned.

"So he just... disappeared", she said.

"Yes", Rose said. "And I have no idea where he might be, so how are we ever going to find him?"

"I have an idea", Sherlock said. "But first, Ramona, do you know anyone else, who could come with us?" Ramona thought about it for a moment.

"Winchesters?" she suggested.

"Didn't answer", Sheldon said.

"Arthur Dent?" Ramona said.

"Didn't answer either", Sheldon said.

"Oh, I know someone else, but..." Ramona said and tilted her head a bit. "She doesn't live here. I mean, she doesn't live now, so we can't just call her."

"Oh, that's not a problem", Sherlock said and smiled.

"Well, it is, because we have to just go randomly somewhere in the 1800s", Ramona said.

"We just tell TARDIS to go to her, and it all works out", Rose said and shrugged. "That's how we found you."

"Oh, well, that makes it simple", Ramona said. "But she won't know, that we're coming."

"We didn't know that Rose was coming, but it's alright", Sherlock said. "Just say the name to the TARDIS." Ramona looked at the centre of the TARDIS and frowned.

"What, I just talk to that pipe?" she asked awkwardly.

"Just ask her nicely", Rose said.

"Her?" Ramona repeated.

"The Doctor thinks it's a she", Rose said and scratched her head. Ramona shrugged.

"OK, TARDIS, could you please take us to, um, Alice Kingsleigh", she said. The noise started once again, and the TARDIS swung once, so John and Scott both fell over. Sherlock, Rose and Sheldon grabbed the control panel, and Ramona sat down on the floor. It took a bit longer for the TARDIS to land. When it did, Ramona, Scott and John all stood up.

"How do we find this Alice Kingsleigh?" Sherlock asked. Ramona shrugged.

"I don't know. I've never met her. Doctor just... mentioned her", she said.

"Doctor seems to mention everybody", John said. "How many companions has he had?"

"We don't know. Probably many", Sherlock said.

"Should we go outside?" Scott asked. "I mean, if it' really 1800s out there, I want to see it."

"I've never travelled in time either, so", John said

"You just did", Sherlock said. "You did, when we went to get Sheldon."

"Well that was few hours, this is about 200 years!" John said. "We deserve to see something like this."

"We're not on a holiday", Sherlock said between his teeth.

"Yeah, but we can't go without Alice, so", John said. "We just glance outside, alright?"

"Yeah, I'm going to do that too", Ramona said. "It's been a long time since the last time." Sherlock looked at Sheldon and Rose.

"Are you two going outside?" he asked.

"No thank you", Sheldon said.

"I've seen enough", Rose said and nodded. Then she smiled. "Well, not enough, but I don't need to go there and see stuff."

So, the three of them went outside. Scott and John stopped and stared the new world. Ramona didn't seem so surprised.

"It's 1800s", Scott whispered. "Wow."

"If you don't mind, I think I'll go back inside", Ramona said. John and Scott looked at her.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"I can't do this. I can't stand here and just look at this. Not without the Doctor", she said, and went inside. John and Scott looked at each other.

"Really, is that Doctor that important?" Scott asked.

"Seems to be so", John said and scratched his head. "I really don't know."

"I wish I could meet him", Scott said.

"I'm sure you will", John said.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked.

"Well, if we find him, you will meet him", John said and smiled a bit.

They started walking, and they walked until they were in a some sort of garden, and there were lots of women and men there. Every woman wore a light-coloured dress. Slowly everyone started to took a notice of them. Scott became nervous.

"Why are they staring at us?" he asked quietly.

"Well, I am just guessing, but I think it's because of our clothes", John whispered.

"Oh", Scott said. "Right. We should have something more proper on, right?"

"I guess so", John said and glanced at Scott. "What are we going to do, are we just standing here until...?"

"I don't know", Scott said. A young girl, about 20 years old, glanced at them. She was with some other girls, who were giggling at Scott and John. Then that girl came to them and smiled.

"Hi", she said. She was blonde, and she was wearing a light-coloured dress too.

"Hello", Scott said. They were both a bit confused.

"Interesting clothes you two have", she said and scratched her ear. "Um... Are you two...?" She glanced behind her and then talked quieter. "Are you two here, because of the... Doctor?"

"How do you know?" John asked and frowned.

"Well, you have same kind of clothes, that people in the future so I was only guessing", she said and smiled. "I'm Alice Kingsleigh. I used to travel with the Doctor."

"I'm John Watson", John said. "And I've never travelled with the Doctor."

"And I'm Scott Pilgrim, and I've never done that either", Scott said and shrugged. Alice tilted her head.

"Then why are you here?" she asked.

"The Doctor has gone missing", John said. "Our friends are former companions, and we're just helping them out."

"Helping them out? You mean, you're going to find the Doctor?" Alice asked.

"Well, yeah", Scott said. "That one girl called Rose..."

"I'm coming with you", Alice said.

"That's what they want you to do", John said.

"How did you come here?" Alice asked. "I mean, you're obviously from the future. How are you here?"

"Doctor left the TARDIS here", Scott said and shrugged. "I mean, not here, but he left the TARDIS..."

"What?" Alice said.

"Yeah, he left the TARDIS", John said. Alice looked confused.

"So you are using it to find him?" she asked.

"Yeah, well, that was the least we could do", John said and shrugged.

"Weird", Alice said and looked behind her again.

"So, you are coming?" John asked.

"Absolutely!" Alice said. "I owe him, so I must."

"Wait, you seem a bit... fragile", Scott said.

"Excuse me?" Alice said.

"I mean that... can you do anything?" Scott continued.

"Well, I did slay the Jabberwocky without Doctor's help, so I guess I am strong", Alice said.

"Umm, what is Jabberwocky?" Scott whispered and Alice raised her eyebrows.

"Never mind your opinion, I'm coming", she said and smiled.

"Great", John said. "Now the TARDIS is that way."

They walked to the TARDIS. John glanced at Alice as they reached it. Alice looked like she felt all kind of things, when she saw the TARDIS.

"Oh, the TARDIS", she whispered and petted the door of the TARDIS. "No one knows, how I missed you."

They went inside of the TARDIS, and everyone turned to see Alice Kingsleigh, as she looked around and smiled.

"Sherlock, Rose, Sheldon, Ramona", John said. "This is miss Alice Kingsleigh."

"Oh, I heard a lot about you, Alice", Ramona said. "The Doctor mentioned you so often."

"Did he really?" Alice asked and smiled a bit. "Weird."

"Why is it weird?" Ramona asked.

"Well, I always thought he didn't... appreciate me so much", Alice said and shrugged.n"But yeah, I did a lot of things without him, so I guess I am pretty good."

"All of us are", Rose said. "If we weren't, we wouldn't have travelled with him." Sherlock rolled his eyes a bit.

"OK, so, Alice, do you know all the facts?" he asked.

"I guess so", Alice said. "Doctor disappeared and all that's left is the TARDIS."

"Good, good", Sherlock said.

"Now, what's the plan?" Rose asked.

"I think the TARDIS knows, where the Doctor is", Sheldon said. Sherlock smiled at him.

"I thought so too", he said. "Actually the TARDIS must know everything about this weird disappearance."

"But he left the TARDIS, the TARDIS is here! How can it know?" John asked.

"They share a special bond", Sherlock said. "They've been together for ages. TARDIS knows everything about the Doctor. Nobody knows so much. Not even the companions. I think they know least about the Doctor. No offence", he said to Rose and smiled a bit. Everybody else glanced at Rose too.

"So, we're going to ask the TARDIS to take us to the Doctor?" Scott asked.

"Sounds weird", Ramona said.

"Sounds fair enough", Alice said. "Do it." Sheldon looked at the TARDIS' centre.

"TARDIS", he said. "Could you take us as close to the Doctor as possible?"

"As close as possible?" Sherlock repeated.

"Well we don't know, can it take us straight to the Doctor", Sheldon says, as the TARDIS made the noise, and they all fell over a minute after.
I'm not sure, if Alice's surname is Kingsleigh, like I wrote, or Kingsley. And I fell weird writing about her. She might sound and seem more like Luna Lovegood than Alice. Oh, I should've used Luna.

+ I'm terribly afraid my grammar is awful, because I try to type as correctly as I can, but I still don't know... God.
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Mordhae's avatar
I-is this a Sherlock-Who fanfic?
I think I just came